August President's Report

We have had lovely weather in July although some days have been too hot so it is important to stay hydrated on your rides.

Our Tour de Pierce was successful again as we went out and waved to STP riders during our ride.  We stayed at Fat Zach's Pizza until 3 pm so everyone could meet up and enjoy the free meal.

Four of us met up for the gravel ride from Rainbow Falls State Park to South Bend on the Willapa Hills Trail.  We endured 98° heat on our 43 mile ride.  The ride back was really nice as the weather cooled and we rode some quiet, beautiful roads for about 20 miles before getting back on the gravel. 

Pierce County Trails Days was fun as we led a ride on the Tacoma Water Flume Line and the Pipeline Trail back to Tacoma.
Eight people enjoyed the ride.

The last week in July was a club camping trip to Ashford and the Sahara  Creek Horse Camp. 

Our weekday rides continue to be popular.  The Saturday ride from Old Town Trek Shop is a great success and it gets younger cyclists involved with our club.  We still need someone to develop an easier Saturday ride in Tacoma.   Our members lead a Tuesday Night Ride that had almost 40 people participate this month. 

In August,  we have our regular rides for you to participate in.   In early September,  we will put on the Headwaters Century Ride with a start in downtown Enumclaw.   Hopefully,  the Pie Goddess shop will have enough pie for you to enjoy after the ride.

Have a great August and enjoy our weather. 

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