Greetings my fellow Club members. I hope you enjoyed the Spring like weather the last few days of February. I had Carpal Tunnel and Elbow surgery on Wednesday, February 26 and was visiting our Thursday riders the next day. On Friday I was able to ride to South Prairie from Orting.
The Daffodil Classic Bike Ride is being held on Saturday, April 5, starting in Orting. It is the same day as the Daffodil Parade so you are welcome to stay all day and enjoy the festivities. We are still looking for Ride Leaders to escort faster riders, medium pace riders and slower riders.
The Tacoma Pierce County Bike Swap is on Saturday April 19 at Tacoma Community College and we will have a booth. I hope to have a Ride Leader leading a ride from Starbucks at North 26 and Proctor at 9:30 am. We also need a few people operating our booth during the day. Sue Butkus is coordinating the booth so feel free to reach out and volunteer. You might also want to stop by our Wildside Wine Shop on your way home as Carol Davis opens at 3 pm on Saturdays.
I have been reading old Club newsletters that Rich Walters gave us for safekeeping. I was amazed to see that in 1987, the Tacoma Wheelmen paid for the first mailing soliciting members for the Foothills Rails-to-Trails Coalition. Dr. Ernest C Bay had come to a club meeting to explain his desire to have a Sound to the Mountain Trail passing through Orting. Sue Given was our Treasurer and she worked with Ernie to get the Foothills Rails-to-Trails Coalition up and running. Stan Engles from the Mountaineers joined up along with Doc Tait of Buckley. So we have been involved for 38 years and still have more work to accomplish their dream.
As you may know, we are still looking for a Ride Captain, Director of Special Events and a Director of Community and Government Relations.
Thanks again for your support and being a member of our Tacoma Washington Bicycle Club.