June President Report

The PMC had at least 8 hardy riders on a rainy day.   We intend to repeat the ride next Sunday, June 9.  Harry and I were ready to go home when Daniel appeared.  Then, Patrick from Gig Harbor rode up.  Then, Breanne(Brie) appeared on her Mom's old bike to train for STP.   Then, the famous John Thomas and son Roscoe rolled down the hill.  Harry decided he had to go too.  Afterwards,  Sue Nicholson reported she and her friend were there and Harry's Dan Henry's marking was excellent. 

See other articles here regarding our trips and events.  We will be camping in Idaho this month.   Tour de Pierce will be on July 13.  We might ride from Rainbow Falls State Park to overnight in Raymond on July 16.  On July 29, we have four nights in Ashford at the FREE Sahara Creek Horse Camp.   You do need a Discover Pass though. 

We have reported Bruce Dammeier, County Executive declared an Emergency to take down the Spiketon Ditch Bridge and get moving on a replacement.   Your club and Foothills Rails to Trails Coalition encouraged the County to get moving and consider an Emergency Declaration. 

Finally,  June is our Election Month.  I hope you can attend our Special meeting on June 18.  Please come and vote.  And consider running for Office.   Our capable Vice President Dave Wittenberg may preside at the meeting as Charlene and I will be on the club camping trip in Idaho. 

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