President’s Report

A word from our president.

At the November 21 Membership Meeting Sue Nicholson gave a great presentation about her bikepacking trip from Olympia to Newport and surviving in the rain for most of the trip. She also demonstrated her new REI bikepacking tent, which weighs about 2 pounds and doesn’t require staking. Thanks so much to Sue for presenting. Would you like to present something at a meeting? Or do you have any special requests for topics?

At this writing, the lower Foothills Trail remains closed at Military Road for ADA work. The WASDOT inspector did not like the traffic control plan, the project was shut down, and the project may resume in late December. So, your best options are to park in Orting or the MacMillan trail head.

We are having another free Pizza Party, since our last party was so popular. The room holds just 36 people, so sign up on our website. We will be at Round Table Pizza at 2929 North Pearl at 1:00 pm on Saturday, December 16. Weather permitting, you can ride from the North 26 th & Proctor Starbucks at 11:00 am. This is a fellowship meeting and a birthday party for December birthdays, including mine. Drinks are not included.

Jerseys – We will be having another online store. The link will be posted on the website shortly; please click on the link if you would like to order a jersey. The store will be open for 30 days. We would need 5 orders for the custom jersey run to proceed. If we get 1 or 2 orders we will proceed; the club will purchase the balance, and we will add to our inventory.

Forevergreen Trails Membership – We have a lot of gratitude for the work we are doing with Forevergreen Trails across and beyond Pierce County. Just about 40% of their budget comes from jurisdictions like Pierce County and Metro Parks. We need over $10,000 from your donations and memberships. You can donate just $10, become a member for $50, become a legacy member for $500 or become an Inner Circle member for $1.000. I’m proud to say I’m in the Inner Circle.

Lastly, I’m sure we will be camping again at the CDA Resort in Idaho, along the Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes this summer. Please share your bike camping ideas with us too so we can include them in our club trip plans.

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